control of staff distance.

• Feb 10, 2018 - 22:53

The top half of my one-page score has three lyrics lines, and
the bottom half has one lyrics line.
It’s a piano score with one treble and one base clef.
Actually the staff distance is a litle larger for the three than it is for the one.
But I want to adjust the distances better, yet larger for the three and less for the one..
How do I do it?


It's always better if you attach your score so we can see exactly what is going on and give you more accurate help. But in general, distance between staves within a system, distance between systems, distance above and below lyrics, and other similar settings can be controlled in Style / General / Page. You can also use a spacer from the Breaks & Spacers palette to increase space for a single system if necessary.

In piano staff bellow middle C notes are coming in ledger lines.. Why cont it come in bass clef, after one octave.. It's coming in bass clef

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