Select instrument via midi ?

• Feb 12, 2018 - 10:46

I am using musescore (great tool by the way big up to the devel team :) with an external midi controller and I can edit my instrument with it.
If I want to edit another instrument I have to do it manually (with the mouse).
I want, for a live event, to have the possibility to select the instrument I want to edit via midi.
Is there a way to do it ?
If yes, how can I do it ?

Thank you in advance !


It does not appear so. The commands available via MIDI are in Edit / Preferences / Note Input, and there is nothing about changing instruments or staves, Note though that you are not limited to the mouse - Alt+Up/Down changes staves, if that helps.

In reply to by Romain Papion

Good question! I'm aware of OSC but don't know how it works. In theory, though I know it is supposed to be a way of accessing various commands, I just don't know how, or if it applies to just a subset or to all. Hopefully someone else can address that...

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