Triplet Under Entire Measure

• Feb 15, 2018 - 23:52

So I was working on a project, saved, then closed musescore. I reopened it a while later, began making edits, then musescore crashed. I reopened it another time and it did the same thing. After opening it a third time, I realized my project had been renamed to two lowercase letters, an uppercase letter, a lower case letter, then 4 numbers. Everything in my project looked fine until I realized a triplet was under an entire staff. I've included a picture to show what it looks like. I've tried tons of things to get rid of it and so far nothing. Anyone else ever have this problem?

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 17.50.57.png 8.02 KB


The filename you describe is the result of recovering your last session after a crash but then not doing a "Save As" to save the recovered score. Best to do that right away; the version you are working on now may be hard to locate later.

As for the triplet, as mentioned, attaching your actual score is more useful than a picture. But I can say that based on your description of the problem, the most likely explanation is that this bracket was originally attached to notes on another page and you then dragged it right off the page onto another one where it became an "orphan". If you look over your score, probably you'll find a triplet missing its bracket. Select that measure, hit Ctrl+R to reset positions, and all should be well.

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