Musescore 2.0 Part combining

• Feb 16, 2018 - 08:20

I have two different music files for a song, one with all the wind instruments and the other with the piano accompaniment. I can't figure out how to combine the two pieces into one and I was wondering if that was actually a feature in this. Anybody know if there is a way?


Eg load one file (wind instruments) -> Open (Ctrl + O), and select/open the second file (piano accompaniment)

From the first file -> press "I" (Instruments dialog) -> Add a piano
At last, copy and paste the content of the second file (piano accompaniment) into the "new" piano

For the record, though, this is backwards form how MuseScore is intended to be used. Instead of first creating the parts and then trying to manually combine them, MuseScore is designed to have you enter the full score first, and then it can automatically generate the parts via File / Parts. Something to keep in mind for next time; it simplifies the process greatly.

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