Copy/Paste notes only (over an existing rhythm)
Dear Friends,
Is it possible to to something like copying the note content originally written in, for example,
quarter notes and pasting only this notes over an existing rhythm ?
I'm not referring to the repitch mode, like re-entering the notes over existing rhythms, but
actually having a series of chords written in just one duration and pasting it over existing
rhythms (one by one).
It would be helpful in doing some different sketches of the same block harmonization, for example.
Thanks in advance.
Best !
That's not possible.
I think it's an interesting question. It may be very difficult to do.
You can do it one note at a time - copying a single note and pasting it over another of a different duration does keep the destination duration but replace the pitch with the source. But you can't do this for chords or any other multiple selection.
Thanks a lot ! Best ! Julio