Make printouts look more proffessional

• Feb 19, 2018 - 23:19

does anyone know some specific dimensions that i can put in to make the pages look a little more proffessional like sibelius when i print them out. as im sure you know the default page and staff look a little clunky when printed out and dont look appealing


It's not really clear what you mean. Are you have purchased specialty paper sizes - something other than the Letter size that is common in the US or A4 that is common in the rest of the rest of the world - and want to know how to tell MuseScore to use these specialty paper sizes? You can tell MuseScore the size of your paper in Layout / Page Settings. That is also where you can control the size of the margins if you happen to prefer larger or smaller ones than the defaults.

If you mean something else, please explain in more detail, perhaps by showing examples.

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