Soundfont instruments

• Feb 25, 2018 - 22:28

I have downloaded the Sonatina soundfont for scoring with full orchestra, but I found that several of the flute samples were terribly out of tune, and the contrabass sample is just a piano. Is there any way that I can choose to use the FluidR3 samples of only the contrabass and flute while using Sonatina for the rest?


Yes! Load both sound fonts, I would suggest you put Sonatina on top, this will cause all of the sound to default to Sonatina. The ones that don't sound good will be the next occurrence of the instrument. Note, in the synthesizer there are arrows to move the sound font up and down the list.

In reply to by Flufflicious

You must have the wrong Flute and Contrabass selected. If you scroll down you should see another of each instrument, this should be fluid, then scroll down some more and you will see the instrument again, and this should be Timbres of Heaven. If you do not see, 2 more then for some reason the score selected something besides Sonatina.

Since I am not intimately familiar with these sound fonts, I am working under the assumption that each has both instruments in them. It is possible one of them has a name like Flute and another Flutes (or even both in a font), these are different sound samples. If they are very close together in the list, they are probably from the same sound font.

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