Adding text to palette loses font

• Mar 10, 2018 - 09:45


If I add some staff text in a jazz font to a custom palette (by dragging it with Ctrl+Shift), it is added, but when I double click to add it to the score, the jazz font has gone and it ends up in the default font.
Is there a way to fix this, or is this a known bug? Thanks!


The way the palette works with respect to text depends on the text style of your score at the point you added the text to the palette, the text style in the score you are adding the palette text to, and how the text was formatted (using default text style, override using Text Properties, or override using the text toolbar). The normal use case is you'd have text that simply uses the default text style so it adapts itself to the text style of the score you are adding the text to. Were you trying to create a palette item that was forced to MuseJazz font even in scores for which this is not the default? If so, this should work if the text had been explicitly customzied to use MuseJazz using Text Properties, starting from a score where this was not the default. If MuseJazz was the default, though, MuseScore assumes you mean to do the more usual thing of just using the score default font.

So if you describe more about your particular situation, we can help better.

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