Computer Crash While Working In MuseScore

• Mar 16, 2018 - 15:16

So basically I was working in MuseScore on a NEW project, when my computer decided to suddenly restart. Of course I reboot my computer and go to open the saved file, but it says that it "cannot read the file".

I want to say that it got corrupted somehow, so I go to the back ups in local MuseScore data, but there is nothing that contains the score, even under hidden items. There is a back up for when I started the project and with the instruments but it is still blank with no progress.

I'm pretty upset since I had some beautiful chords that don't just come to mind easily.

Does anyone know what I can do or is the file lost forever? Is the file fixable? I'll leave it below if anyone wants to take a look at it.

Thanks for any suggestions. :]

Attachment Size
Requiem in F.mscz 7.27 KB


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