have "solo" as an option similar to how one can specify to have a violin play pizzicato or Arco at a specific spot(s)

• Mar 21, 2018 - 17:42

Be able to specify a solo instrument in a song (especially if the solo is played by various different instruments for different parts of the song - commonly done in jazz music) at a specific measure, note, or spot in the song with a text "solo" similar to how one can specify a violin to play arco or pizzicato for specific parts. By defining a solo instument, the program could have that instrument naturally play louder than the others for the specified solo part." Then, when that instrument's solo is done, one could mark with a text "end solo" to decrease the instrument's volume back to being played equally loud as the rest of the parts. Should a different insturment have the solo afterwards, simply do the same with that instrument or not do anything at all if there isn't' a particular solo instrument after the first solo part.


In reply to by Adria Sorensen

If you don't use the Tremolo channel in the mixer (since it is mostly not needed) you can change the sound to solo violin and use the text "Solo" but select the Tremolo channel. This will make it sound like a single violin rather than a violin section.

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