How do you notate a "quattuordecuple" in musescore?

• Mar 28, 2018 - 20:09

I am currently inputing the 2nd flute part for "America, The Beautiful" by Samuel Augustus Ward into musescore to help my flute friend learn how to count the quattuordecuple in the 2nd to last measure. But to my dismay, the highest tuplet you can enter is a nonuple (9). I know there is a feature to create your own tuplet but I have no clue to how to!
The time signature is in 4/4 and the desired measure starts with a dotted half note followed by the quattuordecuple. Someone please help me!


Use the menu Notes->Tuplet... and set the tuplet using that menu. Make sure to set the overall length of the tuplet before selecting the note or rest and using the menu.

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