Musescore 2.0 Release Date?

• Jul 2, 2014 - 03:44

When will it be released? I have the nightly builds, but when will the stable version be out officially? And when it finally is released, will I be able to use the music I wrote on the Nightly Builds on the Official 2.0? Thanks!


There is no official date; just "when it's ready". I think it's widely assumed it will happen sometime this year.

As for compatibility, as the warnings explicitly state, it is possible that scores you create with a nightly build won't open in the release. I guess it becomes less likely there will be problems the closer we get to release, but still - if this matters to you, don't use the nightly builds for anything but testing.

It's great to see the incredible amount of interest and comments on 2.0.
Perhaps I've missed this issue being addressed lately, but I'm sure hoping for a fix in the bug which creates chaos when toggling between pitch in scores that contain multiple key signatures.

Many thanks to the crew for your amazing work, and hope to see 2.0 soon.

Steve Straus

In reply to by spstraus

For the record, I'm not aware of any known bug with symptoms at all like what you are describing. So if there ever was such a bug, it would be completely coincidence if it happened to have been fixed. If you have a sample score and steps to reproduce such a bug, you should post it. Or better yet, download a nightly build, test for yourself, and if you still see some kind of bug having to do with this, file it will detailed steps to reproduce in the Issue Tracker.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc.

I think what spstraus is talking about is discussed at length on this thread (started by me):

I'm surprised to hear you say that you're not aware of the bug since you're all over the discussion in the above thread.

The title indicates it's a problem on the mac, however, lasconic (way down on the thread) said that he was able to reproduce it on windows:

I believe it's fixed in the 2.0 version of the code. I remember asking about a possible 1.4 release with just this bug fixed and was told that it was highly unlikely due to the incredible effort happening for 2.0 (which is great, and I can't wait to get ahold of!!!).

- Mike.

In reply to by carneyweb

Well, that other thread refers to at least two separate problems, one involving the transpose dialog, the other involving the concert pitch dialog, neither orf which appears to be reproducible by more than a small handful opf the thousands of MuseScore users. So while i don't doubt that something is wrong somewhere, and perhaps even multiple somethings, there is no clearly defined bug here. And that's my point.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'd say that the other thread talks about one bug in one chunk of code with two different visible manifestations. The core issue is the same in either case... you say tomato, I say tomahto :-)

I happen to know spstraus personally and he was getting confused when we spoke and I said that this was a known problem that I had reported, but was being told that nobody knew anything about it. I think it's a matter of miscommunication. He described it differently, but it is the exact same problem as stated on that other thread... I saw what he was doing on his computer and it's the same thing.

I've checked the nightlies, and the "bug" (problem, whatever) is fixed there. Both spstraus and I are anxiously awaiting an official 2.0 release as this problem causes us grief with some of the scores we work on.

I'm going to add a reply to the other thread with the following way to work with earlier versions of MuseScore than 2.0. I hesitate to call it a workaround because it doesn't avoid the problem at all, it just lets you get your score and parts printed correctly.

Remember, this *ONLY* happens when doing some sort of transposition of a piece of music that has a key change in it either by toggling the "Concert Pitch" button (which effectively transposes non-concert instruments for display purposes), or actually transposing a score to a different key. The problem does NOT affect everyone, but it DOES affect people on more than one platform (lasconic was able to reproduce it on windows: "So I can reproduce the bug. It's not Mac related ... What happens next is then of no interest... unfortunatly.. since it goes wrong from there.) so it is not platform related.

Whew. Here's the answer:

1) In your score, ONLY work in concert pitch mode if using transposing instruments (e.g. Tenor Sax), and make sure to start your work in the right key.
2) When you are satisfied that everything is as you want it, create your individual parts
3) Open the individual parts, and if it's for a transposing instrument, click on the "Concert Pitch" toggle button EXACTLY ONCE and your part will be in the correct key for that instrument (if you click it more than once, you'll experience this problem and you may or may not get back to a stable key).
4) Print out the part.

- Mike (anxiously awaiting MuseScore 2.0 :-)

In reply to by carneyweb

I fear you assume too much. I don't see anywhere in that thread where it was suggested that anyone had actually uncovered the root cause the problem. And from I know the code, I definitely would assume the same spot in the code is responsible for both manifestations of the problem - could well be similar code that is duplicated in two places. And given that in 1.3 it apparently affects on some users but not others, I don't think you can reasonably conclude the problems are fixed just because you don't see the problem in 2.0. Perhaps the problem are still there, but this time you are one of the lucky ones rather than o e of the unlucky ones are you are in 1.3. For all we know, the bug may depend on how many characters are in the pathname you installed to or some other random variable.

Anyhow, again, the point that while a very small number of people have reported some sort of intermittent problem with transposition in 1.3, it does seem to work just fine for most, and whatever problem might be affecting you and a small number of others, I see no evidence that this problem has actually been idemtified and solved.

It does occur to me there is a possibility this is related to the intermittent problem that causes some small (?) number of Mac users on Mavericks to see crashes when transposing. I know there has been some investigation into that but I don't know the status.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You said: "I don't see anywhere in that thread where it was suggested that anyone had actually uncovered the root cause the problem." I agree 100%.

I think you meant your next sentence to read: "And from what I know of the code, I definitely would not assume the same spot in the code is responsible for both manifestations of the problem..." That very well could be true. I looked through the code base and couldn't find anywhere else that was doing to work of transposition, but I easily could've missed something. That area of the code changed quite a bit between 1.3 and the 2.0 dev stream, and I didn't see the issue anymore, so I assumed that it was fixed with those code modifications as a happy coincidence rather than as a specific change to address this problem. But, as you said, I definitely assumed it was fixed for everyone, and I don't know that for sure.

As to the next statement: "a very small number of people have reported some sort of intermittent problem with transposition in 1.3", I beg to differ. Although the number of people may be small, the problematic behavior is not intermittent. If it happens to you, it ALWAYS happens. That is, IF you have this behavior, AND IF you have a score in one key with a key change part way through, AND you then try and transpose it through either the concert toggle or by actually transposing the score, your score is hosed. There is no workaround, and it does happen every single time, on every single score. In the other thread I broke it down to a two measure tune with one non-transposing instrument. To quote myself:

"The simplest way to reproduce this error is by opening the score on a Mac that I've attached to this comment. The score is VERY simple: 1 instrument (violin), 2 bars. The key signature of the tune is 'Bb', with a key change in the second bar to 'F'.
Make sure that nothing is selected and then:
- choose Notes:Transpose
- Answer 'Yes' to 'Transpose the whole score?'
- Choose Transpose by Interval
- Choose 'Up' and 'Major Second'
Now, after this is done, the key of the tune should be 'C', with the key in the second bar 'G'. What I get is the key in the first bar is 'D', and the second is 'G'."

Another, even simpler way is to follow the same steps above, except choose tenor sax as the instrument. Then instead of transposing, just push the "Concert Pitch" button. IF you're one of the unlucky few that has this problem, this will also show the problem every time, no matter the length of the piece or anything else. The problem lies somewhere in the code for transposition which is used both for physically transposing the score AND for Concert Pitch toggling for display only.

BUT, enough of all this :-) The sort version of the story is that this problem will definitely not get fixed for 1.X version of MuseScore, and that it may (I would say "probably") be fixed in 2.0.

- Mike (still eagerly awaiting 2.0 :-) )

In reply to by carneyweb

All I can say is, never having been able to reproduce the problem myself despite trying pretty hard and using these features regularly, it appears "intermittent" to me - I see the problem only about once a year when a user mentions it on the forum, and then it goes away for me again the moment I try to confirm it :-)

Anyhow, since a ton of this code was re-written, it may indeed have been fixed already. Would be nice, though, to understand the conditions that triggered it - why it only appears to affect a small number of users - because otherwise, we are really just guessing.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This is an old thread but it's still of some interest. Let me submit a score to play with. It was created in 1.3. It's all strings, so no concert pitch issues. It has five key changes in it. It starts in E then moves to G, A-flat, C, D-flat, and E-flat (all major). If I transpose it up in 1.3 by key from E to either F-sharp or G-flat or by interval a major second, the initial key signature changes from four sharps to six flats, though with different notes, and a lot of accidentals. I cannot get it to change to six sharps as it should at least when moving to F-sharp. If I do the same transposition in 2.0 by key to F-sharp or by interval a major second, the initial key signature changes correctly to six sharps. If I transpose by key to G-flat, the initial key signature changes to six flats, using different notes. And there are far fewer accidentals. So it appears to me that 2.0 does a better job, or does it more correctly, than 1.3. I wonder whether others can see anything here that I'm missing.

I also think the dialog in 2.0 is better than in 1.3.

Note: I'm not reporting a problem here, just offering fodder for anyone who wants to play with a complex score and see if the reported issues have been satisfactorily resolved in 2.0.

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Sing We All Noel.mscz 13.65 KB

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