import midi drum track

• Apr 4, 2018 - 10:33

I'm new to musescore and want to do 2 things..

Import a midi drum track and import single midi tracks and have them all displayed on the same sheet.

When I import a midi drum track it plays back as piano.

There's probably a simple solution but as a novice, I've not found it yet.

All responses gratefully received - thanks in advance



In reply to by Shoichi

I tried to open a midi drum track using Musescore and your tip was very helpful!
Do you know also how to merge two different staves into just one? The result of importing a drum midi track into Musescore is that you have two staves of drums as it was a piano (but with two bass clef staves).

In reply to by pietrogozzini

If you have only a single track on channel 10 as the General MIDI standard calls for, it should work perfectly already. But if you have a non-standard MIDI file that uses multiple tracks or multiple channels within the track, you can use Tools / Implode within MuseScore to combine multiple staves into one.

The General MIDI standard requires drum tracks to be assigned channel 10. If your MIDI file does this, MuseScore automatically assigns it to drumset. So make sure your MIDI file uses channel 10 for drum tracks.

If you continue to have trouble after ensuring your drum track is on channel 10, please attach your MIDI file.

As for importing separate MIDI files, you can load them as separate scores, then copy and paste them into a big score you have set up with the required instruments/staves.

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