Drumset Settings Not Applying

• Apr 4, 2018 - 15:22

I have a drumset settings file that adds letter shortcuts to all of the toms (attached, named Toms). Any time I try to put it in, then press apply and ok, it just goes back to having no letters. Even editing them all by hand has no effect. Why isn't it working? Thanks!

The song is also attached below :)

Attachment Size
Bad_Girls_Club.mscz 35.73 KB
Toms.drm 1.04 KB


Which version of MuseScore are you using? I'm getting an error that the .mscz file is corrupted. Maybe you can try to resave and reupload?

Finally was able to open. Some great writing!

I am currently experimenting a lot with percussion, so I thought I'd restyle it just a bit as an exercise for myself.

I consolidated a few lines by doing two things:

1) In-Staff instrument changes - using instrument changes saves a lot of wasted space in a score by assigning different instruments to a specific performer.

2) Combined several percussion lines into a part for drumset.

Here is a simple reference for writing for drumset - http://web.mit.edu/merolish/Public/drums.pdf

Attachment Size
bad_girls_club_restyle.mscz 669.85 KB

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