Guitar and bass sound modification

• Apr 10, 2018 - 02:44

A good idea for the next update: There are already the sound samples for different guitar sounds (clean, overdriven, distorted, palm muted, etc.) and the mechanism to change the strings' sound from ''natural'' to pizzicato. The idea would be to change the played sound while playing guitar chart using the same principe and the same would apply to the bass sounds (picked, fingered, slapped, popped, etc.).


Indeed, such changes are in the works and planned for the future.

Meanwhile, and for several years now, guitarists have noticed (as you have) the availability of violin/trumpet sound channels. These channels can be 'hijacked' by setting up a violin (or trumpet) score, then choosing different 'guitar sounds' from the mixer.

Have a listen to two examples here:
Guitar sounds.mscz

As shown in the attachments, you can use violin channels:

Nowadays, another way is to use a mid-staff instrument change:
(but this can clog up the mixer listings if there are lots of back-and-forth changes).


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