Can I duplicate format?

• Apr 11, 2018 - 10:24

Hi Everybody.
I'm getting better and better at using this program. One thing that keeps coming up is the fact that I can't seem to duplicate the format of an instrument. Let's say I make a score with 7 different instruments and I wanna print out their individual scores. Then I arrange them into one voice each, but then I have to format each voice separately. Is there a way I can copy everything, not just the score, but also the linebreaks and everything else layout related.

Thanks for your help.


You can change the style setting on one part and then use the 'apply to all parts' button, but for system- and page breaks you'd need to to do it afresh for every part.

Note that in the vast majority of cases, you should not have the same line breaks in all parts. After all, unless the music itself is identical, the spacing will be different, so fitting six measures might be perfect for one part that is mostly quarter notes but way too many for another that is mostly sixteenths and way too few for another that is mostly whole notes, etc. But it is true there are some unusual special cases where it might make sense (eg, music for schoolchildren), and you do indeed have to do this manually. In many of those cases, you actually want the same number of measures on every line, and then you can simply use Edit / Tools / Add/Remove System Breaks.

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