
• May 1, 2018 - 19:00

I have just downloaded the free version of Musescore. Based on opinions I found online, I had assumed this is the place where I can synchronised an existing score to an existing audio track. But I cannot find commands for this on the homepage.

Was I wrong to assume that Musescore was the right tool? If it is, can anyone tell me how to go about it?


So you know, the program is always free. The only thing you would need to pay for would be a pro membership to where you can store scores.

You might be confused, though. MuseScore is a tool for creating sheet music. If you already have the sheet music, you don't need MuseScore, and indeed it can't really help you, unless maybe you inted to use MsueScore to re-enter the notes to create new sheet music.

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