plugin request for string double-stop fingering check

• May 20, 2018 - 00:42

for those of us who are not string players, would someone who knows how to make plugins please create and post a plugin that reviews the score for possible double/triple stop errors. the plugin would need to read which instrument is used for each staff as the stop fingerings are obviously different based on the instrument. double stops that are not usually considered possible would be colored red; those for advanced players would be a different color, playable stops would be left as is.


signed: the coding impaired


I'm a little new to writing plugins (I know javascript but the whole musescore part still confuses me a bit) and this seems pretty simple, except for one thing. How do you differentiate between beginner and advanced, and non playable? Almost any double stop is possible if you have big enough hands. For example, a G4 combined with a F#4 on violin is possible by shifting really high up on the G string and shifting up on the D string. There is no pre-existing function in programming called "checkIfDoubleStopIsValid(note1, note2)". You have to define the function yourself, with explicit rules.

Hope this helps a bit.

A playable double stop is so variable from one person to another, and more importantly from one instrument to another. I don't play a string instrument, but use a ninth as a self imposed guide for what is playable as a double stop. This enables the musician to put the pointer on one string and the pinky on the next string stretched out as far as is reasonable.

For the double bass, which has different tuning and a much larger fingerboard, I either use an open string for one note or keep the fingers within 3 positions on the different strings and calculate where the two notes are played. This generally is calculated to be about a major sixth. Every time a string player moves the finger to the next location, it is a 1/2 step. On the double bass always avoid double stops on the lowest string. There are a couple of reasons. Notes that close together sound out of tune and should be avoided any way. The other reason is that some double basses have C as the lowest string and others have E. While C is more common, a double stop written for the C string will very likely be impossible if attempted on the E string.

Reading a bit and learning about the instruments is far more valuable than relying on a program to calculate a playable stop.

In reply to by mike320

you are definitely right about just learning the instruments as best. i have a fingering chart, a violin, viola and bass and though i don't play any of those three, i can put my fingers where they should be on the strings according to the chart and if i get a cramp in my hand, i don't notate that double stop. i was just hoping for a quickie plugin to double check my work.

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