Shifting octaves with ctrl up (or down) crashes musescore and deletes score (2.2.1)

• Jun 3, 2018 - 02:50

This may, at first glance, sound like this post: (,but it's completely different.

On most instruments - the bug can be found on all instruments except for percussion - this only happens well outside the range of what can actually be played in reality, but on the organ and pipe organ, attempting to shift anything onto or below the last line induces this bug, though this varies somewhat.

Occasionally, the score will be recoverable but more often than not, this is not the case, even with tools like Recuva. In my experience, this behavior is the same regardless of whether or not the score has previously been saved.

Sadly, this bug deleted a day's worth of my work and this will be my first and last attempt at using this software; if this is the experience I have on my first day, who knows what may lie ahead?


Please be more specific about how to reproduce this bug. There have been known crashes caused by moving a note out side the range of the piano when the virtual piano is open. The way to avoid this is to 1. Don't move the note outside the range of the piano, or 2. Close the virtual piano when moving a note outside it's range.

The issue has been fixed for the next release, see #271325: Adjusting a note outside the range of a piano causes a crash when the piano keyboard is visible..

Sorry to hear of your trouble, but FWIW, there is almost no chance your work was actually lost - MuseScore auto-saves your score every two minutes. See Even though you hapend to run into a bug your first day, the software really is extremely stable and usable, and millions use it successfully every single day, so I would urge you to give it another chance!

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