Musescore 2.2.1: Cannot upload: 4

• Jun 6, 2018 - 10:58

I'm receiving "Cannot upload: 4" error while trying to upload the score online by replacing the existing one. What can be problem?
I remember there was a similar issue "Cannot upload: 1", which was successfully resolved:

Can you, please take a look at the new one?
OS: OS X 10.14, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 2.2.1, revision: 51b8386


I created an empty test score, uploaded it online and then successfully updated it without any errors. After this I tried to upload my initial score one more time and it uploaded successfully as well...
So, the problem is solved: maybe the error was fired by an accident.

In reply to by Valery_Kondakoff

I suspect those error numbers to stem from h_errno, from netdb.h

#define HOST_NOT_FOUND  1 /* Authoritive Answer Host not found */
#define TRY_AGAIN       2 /* Non-Authoritive Host not found, or SERVERFAIL */
#define NO_RECOVERY     3 /* Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP */
#define NO_DATA         4 /* Valid host name, no address, look for MX record */

and to be temporary internet glitches

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