how to delete lines

• Jun 16, 2018 - 17:00

I can only drag the line, decrease and increase length, but how to delete it? I tried ctrl, Alt, shift....but no success and the line still there. It is the crescendo line. Anyone can help?


Click it and press delete, indeed. It's possible you've inadvertently added several right on top of each other, in which case you'd need to delete them all. To see if that's the case, trying dragging it away and see if there is another underneath. That can happen if you use copy and paste to copy a passage including line and the destination already has a line in the exact same spot. One easy way to remove them all at once would be to select the range of measures containing them, then right click a hairpin and use Select / All Similar Elements in Range Selection, then press Delete.

I'm sorry to say that I'm having the same problem. This score was created last year and I'm editing it with the new 2.2.1 version. Hope it isn't a bug, but I've tried every combination of select and DEL I can think of....

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