multimeasure rests

• Jun 18, 2018 - 03:34

I see how to turn multimeasure rests on. Now how do I use it? I want it to say 12 measures. I also want to know how to write 'cue notes' showing what's going on in the other part at the end of the multimeasure rests.


Note that normally, you don't need to do anything to make multimeasure rests happen. Just creates you score normally, and when you are done, use File / Parts to generate the parts, and the multimeaure rests will already be there by default. The only time you should ever need to manually create multimeasure rests is if you are entering a single part without the rest of the score. In that case, simply leave twelve measures empty, and then when you press "M", they'll turn into a multimeasure rest.

As for cues, enter the notes normally, then select them and use the Inspector to make them small and silent.

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