Why are measures being displayed very small?

• Jul 2, 2018 - 22:56

I recently downloaded this program on my computer and I'm running into a problem. As you will see in the attached image, the measure are very narrow. All that is displaying is the staff, the key signature, the time signature, and a rest for each measure. I can enter one note in a measure, but I cannot see anything else after that. It appears that I can add more notes, but I cannot see them.

Also, the "Getting Started" score does display correctly, but any scores that I create do not.

Things I have tried:
- Creating a new score with different qualities (title, staff, key signature, etc)
- Closing and reopening the program
- Resetting MuseScore to factory settings
- Uninstalling and reinstalling MuseScore
- Installing MuseScore on a different computer. It worked correctly on the other computer

- MuseScore 2.3.0 (using the same version on both computers)
- Windows 10 (same on both computers)
- The computer it is not working on is a desktop, the one it is working on is a laptop

Has anyone run into this before, or does anyone know how to fix it?


Attachment Size
Musescore_measures.png 68.4 KB


Hmm, these are new scores you are just creating? Looks like the paper size is set very small. Go to Layout / Page Settings, what do you see? MuseScore gets is default page size from whatever the default paper size is on the default printer installed on your system. What do you see for printer and page size if you go to File / Print?

You have changed the paper. In the menu Layout->Page Settings... select a predefined paper and you will see the problem go away. If not, upload you score, not a picture of it.

In reply to by nathantech

Hmm, not a use case we had considered! FWIW, the idea was we could select automatically between letter and A4 (the two most common sizes worldwide) based on this. It's probably not a method used commonly in other programs, and it does catch people by surprise sometimes, normally the in cases where they have no printer installed (not even a "virtual" printer).

For MuseScore 3, there will be a startup wizard that helps you configure things the first time you run MuseScore.

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