Can I print only tab, while still keeping the linked staff for editing?
Is it possible to continue using linked staves (tab & standard notation) and still print a tab-only version? I've seen similar questions asked a number of times, but I think the answer has always come down to getting rid of the notation staff. I'd prefer to not do that, because I really like to have it for editing, and sometimes I might want to print with it.
1) Create new score: TAB only
2) Generate Parts (via menu "File")
3) Press "I" -> add a linked staff: Standard staff type (drop-down)
( and if wished, use arrow Up to display the standard staff at the top) -> Ok
Result: you have standard staff+ TAB staff in main score, and a TAB staff in part
If you want only print the TAB version: toggle to the part -> File -> Export: type PDF etc.
See a template: Template.mscz
In reply to Yes… by cadiz1
Respect, wasn't aware of it ;-).
(But I think the feature request below is still useful, for a more obviously procedure for MS users)
In reply to Yes… by cadiz1
Thanks, that works great!
Afaik not possible at time without deleting the other staff or copying notes of the linked tab to a new unlinked tab.
There exists already a feature request: #121271: Make "Visible" checkbox in Instruments dialog available for individual staves within an instrument
edit: so it's possible, see the comment of Cadiz1 above