Copy and pasting tenor drum doesn't work?

• Jul 7, 2018 - 12:18

Im trying to copy and paste a tenor part from one of my scores to another. When I do it, every note has the same pitch and I reaallly dont want to re-pitch all of it. Help.


In reply to by Orlando Boi

If you're pasting from the same instrument (eg, MDL Tenors) then it should work and does for me. But it's pretty much normal that attempting to copy and paste between different instruments won't work well, since each drum has totally different pitch definitions. So for example, what would you expect it to mean when copying a "Rom Shot Spock 1" note from a tenor drum staff to say, a cymbal staff?

If you are having trouble copying between scores when the instruments match, please attach the scores in question and give steps to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by ElectricFlame22

When copying and pasting drum music, the source and destination have to use the same drumset definition or results won't make sense. That is, without the same drumset definition, some given note in the original might be a totally different sounds - or no sound at all - in the copy.

If that doesn't help you figure out what is going on, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

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