Part extraction

• Jul 20, 2018 - 13:36

I have a score with 10 parts - voice, 2 flutes, oboe, 2 clarinets, bassoon, trumpet, violin and cello. I have tried to extract the parts from the score and only the oboe, 1st clarinet, trumpet and cello have extracted to individual parts. Have I missed a step? Its a score I downloaded from the site.

Attachment Size
What_A_Beautiful_Name_1417.mscz 50.99 KB


In reply to by mike320

" select the first part and repeatedly click delete until all of the parts are gone"

Alternatively: select the first part, click delete, and hit on Space key or Return/Enter key until all the parts are gone.
Explanation: I am at a stage where I try by all means to save (avoid) as many clicks as possible!

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