Scrolling pages vertically instead of horizontally

• Jul 20, 2018 - 20:37

When viewing (or working on) a score in page view, is it possible to scroll the pages vertically instead of horizontally? Currently on a tablet-sized screen in landscape mode, using "page width," I scroll from the top of the page to the bottom, but then to get to the next page, I have to go back to the top and move to the right. It would be convenient to be able to choose whether Page 2 appears to the right of Page 1 (as it does now) or below it.


In the desktop version in Edit(MuseScore on Mac)->Preferences under the Canvas tab you can set scroll to Vertically or Horizontally. If this is not included in the tablet version, page down takes me to the top of the next page with the same centering as the current page in view. Page up takes me to the top of the previous page.

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