A complicated request regarding .mscz files.

• Jul 25, 2018 - 22:05

Hi, i dont know how likely this is to get implemented or the amount of time it may take but i think its worth mentioning.
I was thinking it would be great to be able to store different versions of the same score on a single .mscz file, when composing its good to be able to go back to previous versions before making big changes or when trying something out. I do that now by saving each piece and its previous versions in different folders, this is doable and its ok but it would be far more organized and comfortable to have them in a single file and being able to save different versions with some comment about the changes you made (i do that now with a separate text file) and switch versions more easily.
Also it would make possible some function sort of similar to the sibelius "ideas hub" where you are able to sketch anything and have it ready at all times in a sort of "ideas library" for that specific score, like the main ideas of the piece or random sketches you think of in the process.


In reply to by [DELETED] 26799858

Yes, I know it is not what you wanted, but IMHO it lays the foundations for building what you want on top of it. The student coding this as part of the Google Summer of Code 2018 posts a blog post each week, up to 12 weeks if I remember correctly, so there are two more on the way for you to comment on asking specific questions and making specific suggestions.

In reply to by Louis Cloete

Oh i see, i didnt realize that, i know absolutely nothing about software development! I will look into it and try to ask the coder about this. I thought having different versions of a same score on the same file would affect the way .mscz files where handled, but again, i dont know anything about development.

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