Deleting scores that someone has Favorited

• Aug 5, 2018 - 14:34

Hello, I am a fairly new musescorer and I haven't gone pro yet..., But I have transcribed over 100 pieces of music which i would still love to share with fellow users. So I post five I a time, and then I rotate, the pieces until I get through everything. I have already cycled 5 sets of music so far so I have 75 more pieces of music to post and rotate through. I leave each set up for two weeks and then which ever one has the most news I keep and cycle the rest through. However I've noticed that some viewers has actually favorited my pieces and saved them.

So when I Delete a score off of my profile do they lose that score as a favorite?, because I would love for them to keep it have and I would hate to be the one to take it from them.

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