How can I create a page of musice without any time signature?

• Aug 16, 2018 - 03:24

Odd request, but my duet partner has a lot of trouble with rhythm and timing. I want to try to get her out of her head and into "feeling" the music organically (I just arranged a violin/cello version of Please Mister Postman for us), so I thought of writing out the music just giving the notes to play without and indication of timing (so all the notes are quarter notes), then having her listen to the song on YouTube over and over to feel the music. I want to see if she can come back to the quarter notes and play the notes with their appropriate timing (she can sing the song fine). I can create a score without a designated time signature, but it extrapolates the time from the first measure of notes I put in. Is there a way to turn that off?


You can also make the bar lines invisible. Right click one the use select>all similar items (on the staff if applicable) then press V to make them invisible. You will probably see them faded in MuseScore so use the menu View->Show invisible and remove the check to make them completely disappear.

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