2 voices, same note dotted and not

• Sep 11, 2009 - 07:26

I have two voices on the same staff. Occasionally both voices will sing the same note. I have a situation where Voice 1 sings a D on a dotted quarter note, and Voice 2 sings a D for only a quarter note and then moves to a C for an eighth note. Unfortunately, MuseScore seems to want to put both D's on top of each other, so that it looks like Voice 2 is singing a dotted quarter. It looks like this:

I'd prefer it to look more like this:

Is there any way to do this? Or is there a better way to clarify what Voice 2 is supposed to be singing?

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You can move the quarter note by double cliking the notehead and using the arrows key on your keyboard.
If the tie needs adjustments, you can double click it and move the blue anchors with your mouse.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't work for me with 0.9.5 on Windows Vista. Apparently the Voice 1 and Voice 2 notes have already been combined, so they don't move separately -- using the arrow keys as you suggested simply moves the one note head, rather than moving the Voice 2 note independently of the Voice 1 note.

In reply to by xavierjazz

My problem is not moving the stem independent of the note; rather it is moving the Voice 2 note independent of the Voice 1 note (which happens to have the same pitch, but a different duration). I think handling the stems will be easy enough if I can just manipulate the Voice 1 and Voice 2 notes independently.

One thing I tried that I hoped would work was the following:

  1. Delete the voice 1 note
  2. Move the voice 2 note to the left a bit more than the width of the note
  3. Add back the Voice 1 note

Unfortunately, as I added back the Voice 1 note, the Voice 2 note immediately disappeared (actually, was recombined with the Voice 1 note, which then once again had stems going both up and down). So I'm still out of ideas....

In reply to by Alan Brown

I'm not sure I understand.

1. click on the notehead - 1 is selected.
2;. move it to separate the noteheads.
3. If its the appropriate one, then just move the stem - if not, as the noteheads are now separated, move the appropriate one and then it's stem

Does this not work?

In reply to by xavierjazz

No, this doesn't work. I don't know whether it is more accurate to say there are two noteheads on top of each other, or just one notehead.

But for your step 1, I can't tell if one note or both is selected. It is blue when selected, which would seem to indicate it is Voice 1.

For your step 2, once the notehead is selected, moving it either moves the one and only notehead, or it moves both together if there are two. Either way, no separation occurs.

I can't get to your step 3.

I do appreciate your attempts to help me, but I'm curious -- are you providing these suggestions off the top of your head, or have you actually tried this in MuseScore 0.9.5?

In reply to by xavierjazz

By putting together your suggestions with one additional step, I was able to make this work.

The extra step is to change the pitch of Voice 2 temporarily. That separates the two noteheads. Then I can move the Voice 2 note to the left, and finally change its pitch back to be the same as Voice 1.

Thanks for your patient help, which did finally give me the clues I needed to come up with a solution.

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