Find (Go To) Bar: Dropdown list of previous searches does not reset when selecting a different score

• Aug 26, 2018 - 14:23
Reported version
S4 - Minor

MS 2.3

  1. Open Score 1 (attached)
  2. Press Ctrl + F to open the Find bar.
  3. Enter "Vs 2".
  4. Press return to exit.
  5. Repeat the above several times using "Vs 3", "Vs 4" etc.

Result: As expected, the searches are added to the dropdown list of previous searches (as long as Return is pressed after each search).

  1. Now open "Score 2" (attached).
  2. Press Ctrl + F to open the Find bar (if not already open).

Expected result: The dropdown list should be blank.
Actual result: The dropdown list contains searches for the previous score even though they are no longer relevant.

  1. Search for "B" (in Score 2)
  2. Press return to exit.
  3. Open score 1 and examine the find bar again

Expected result: The dropdown list should only contain searches made in the selected file.
Actual result: The dropdown list also includes the search made in the other score.

Suggestion: The dropdown list of previous searches should only include searches made within the currently selected score.

Attachment Size
Score 1.mscz 5.08 KB
Score 2.mscz 4.97 KB