Some scores wont appear

• Sep 1, 2018 - 00:30

There are some scores that i have visited that wont open and it will give me this message if i try to open it
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. AccessDenied Access Denied 39D61C78035E77FE 8DIrCpA2Enq0KAdwbfGE1PczxXVqJoYl20SefZ5W0GdE++mQYxYaASmMa2HuW2J9DYel5/Cj48U=


I'm curious if this is a private score that shouldn't even show up on A webmaster will have to answer that.

In reply to by toothpick teeth

The owner of the score does not seem to currently be a pro member. Perhaps he let his pro memebership lapse and this is no longer a visible score. Looking at his profile, there are a lot of scores that no longer include preview and give the same results.

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