Downloading a score from and only the first page shows

• Sep 1, 2018 - 12:09

EDIT: Problem fixed, it was something to do with my computer, not the software. I can't delete this post but moderators, feel free to do so!


I tried to download this score in mcsz format for opening into my version of Musescore but only the first page opened.

Extra info:
I updated Musecore to the latest version (2.3.2) today
I can download the pdf version of the score and all of the pages are present and correct

Has anyone else had this issue and do you know of any workarounds? If someone else can download it with no problems then perhaps I'll just ask whether it can be emailed to me :-D
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you :)


I have exactly the same problem. I don't know how to fix it and no one can help either. I tried to find solution reading all the relevant posts at the community and all help sections but no luck. I tried send a message as well , no luck. Help centre my a**.

In reply to by alko_balko was something to do with my computer, not the software. is a very vague description of how to fix it. I've not heard of this happening often. If someone who has seen this happen in the past does not explain how to fix it, then no one else knows what to do.

The people in these forums are very helpful, but they are mostly people who are users like you and me. Some of the people who frequent this forum contribute code to the program, but they would need to be able to reproduce the problem to fix it. Occasionally one of the people responsible for developing the program will make an appearance, but they are currently more interested in getting version 3 ready to release. As with everyone else, if they haven't seen or heard how to fix it, they won't be able to help you.

My suggestion is that you restart MuseScore to see if the problem resolves itself. You can also attach the score here to see if anyone else has the same problem and can find a workaround or permanent solution.

In reply to by alko_balko

Definitely attach the score. There is no reason you should be seeing only the first page if there are multiple pages, and I've never heard of that happening, which is probably why you aren't finding any help already written on the topic. My best guess is simply that you are scrolling the wrong way - eg, looking for the second page below the first when it's actually to the right, or vice versa, depending on your settings. Again, we would need you to attach the score giving you problems in order to understand and assist better.

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