Playback to Roland piano

• Sep 6, 2018 - 12:42

Does anybody know how to get musescore to playback through a Roland piano over USB link, using windows 10? I can achieve this with windows XP using Jack, but I have never got it to work with windows 10.


Assuming you have a recent version of MuseScore (eg, the current version 2.3.2), there is some chance it might work without JACK by selecting the appropriate MIDI Out device under Edit / Preferences. Otherwise, JACK should do the job as well, if with a bit more effort. What problems are you encountering? I have JACK working fine on Windows 10, albeit not connecting to a keyboard but to DAW software.

I was using version 2.0.3, I have now updated to the latest v2.3.2 and now a midi output selection has appeared. Works perfectly without JACK. I think my original problem was a windows 10 issue, where I couldn't tell it to use the piano as the midi output, this was easy in XP.
Anyway all good now, thanks.

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