Update Help

• Sep 6, 2018 - 17:26

I've had an unusual situation regarding updates. Specifically, when it comes time to update, it changes a number of sounds and soundfonts, including ones that I've saved to scores. For example, some drum beats and tom-toms now sound completely different from when I originally entered them into the scores, and some soundfonts have been completely cleared from the Synthesizer and the folder I placed them in. I managed to find some, but not all of the sf2 files I originally used; the others seem to have been moved or wiped.

My questions are, has anyone else had this happen during the updates, and is there any conceivable way to restore the original sounds and soundfonts? Plus, is there any way to keep this from happening again? I held off doing the most recent because this happened before, and it still happened.

Thanks for any help on this.


Sounds, Soundfonts, scores and other files you store in your personal folders rather than the system folders would never get touched on updates.

While it's true that files in your personal folders on't get touched, any sounds that are part of MuseScore itself may indeed get updated, and this has happened a couple of times in the past couple of years. You don't say which version you updated from or to. Work has been done to improve drum sounds in particular over the past year so some sounds may be different indeed. But again, nothing you saved to any of your own folders - and certain no information in of scores - is touched in any way whatsoever. So it would be good for you to do a bit more investigation to understand what you might have done, but in general, updates should be completely safe in this respect. You'll automatically get improvements to the default sounds, but any sounds you've installed are unchanged.

I should mention also that sometimes the synthesizer itself is changed - bugs have been fixed, for instance, that caused some soundfonts to render incorrectly in the past but render correctly now, and sometimes people had gotten accustomed to the incorrect playback and are surprised upon hearing it correctly for the first time. I guess it's possible you experienced a case of this somewhere. Feel free to any specific examples where you provide precise steps to demonstrate the perceived problem.

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