Switch order of instruments causes general text style (ctrl/shift t) to revert.

• Sep 9, 2018 - 00:30

I have a piece I have been working on for a week or so.

It is right now a lead sheet but I plan to expand the band.

I have added a flute voice for one system where there is an alternate melody and made it small. Originally I placed this small stave above with the instruction to use that small stave on the 2nd and 3rd repeats.

I have basically finished the piece as far as melody and changes, and am cleaning it up.

I decided to put the 2nd/3rd stave below rather than above and "i'ed" my way to the instrument page and changed the order.

At that point, all general text reverted to the size of the original style which I had individually changed as required.

Also the spacing between systems changed and it looks like the voltas have moved back.



Can you attach the score? IN general, text changes shouldn't revert, but since they scale according to the size of the staff, text appearing at the top of a score may appear different sizes depending on the size of top staff.

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