Special MuseScore Cafe - a tour of the MuseScore 3 alpha release!

• Sep 18, 2018 - 17:59

As some of you may know, for the past few months I have been producing the "MuseScore Cafe" - an informal series of free live interactive chat sessions on a variety of topics, via streaming video. See https://masteringmusescore.com/go/cafe/. I've been promoting these and my other educational activities mostly via social media but plan to be more proactive about keeping you all informed here on the forum as well. After some bouncing around, I've settled on a regular time slot of Wednesdays at 12:30 PM Eastern time (4:30 PM GMT).

This week - tomorrow - I plan to take a look at the MuseScore 3 "alpha" preview release that was recently made available. So if you are curious about what is to come in MuseScore 3, please tune in and feel free to participate in the chat!

Meanwhile, those of you who have already installed the alpha or any other recent nightly "master" build of MuseScore 3, I encourage you to leave me comments - here, or on my site, or in the comments section for the video - about what you would like to see discussed.

Again, here is the link:


Note that if you want to participate in the live chat, you will need to click the YouTube link to view the video on their site, or you can go directly to https://youtu.be/vjhanhhQ9zs


A big thanks to those who participated live! Here is the archived video:


I showed off the new smart layout and many other improvements, answering questions from participants along the way. I hope the video gives you a sense of how exciting this release is going to be!

Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.