Easiest way to Compile MuseScore on Mojave Mac OS

• Oct 3, 2018 - 11:00

Hello folks well I bit the bullet and upgraded :)

Working through setting up my compiler environment, I found the easiest way to sort out compiling MuseScore and be fairly "compliant" was to run Xcode 8/9 (and associated command line tools) so as to avoid issues with depreciated libraries until an official fix or workaround is implemented. I tested all the versions from 8.01 - 9.4.1 and settled at 9.41 as that suited my needs. It is possible to have multiple instances of Xcode compiler installed along with version 10 (plenty of google links for walking you through the details).

All you need to remember to do is to select the desired compiler version in Xcode preferences. You have to settle on a name convention for each version of Xcode in addition to version 10 you want installed, in my case I left it as the default so that update won't nag. The dependency installation using brew is fairly painless if you are on version 10 of the compiler and only swap back to compile MuseScore or other "legacy code repositories".

Otherwise the existing instructions for compiling on Mac apply.

No problems using MuseScore 2.3.2 and being able to follow the master build development.


I never could get Xcode 10 to compile MuseScore on High Sierra, but after upgrading to Mojave, everything worked just fine. Of course, it is necessary to do 'make -f Makefile.osx xcode' again, and if you have multiple versions of Xcode installed, you may have to familiarize yourself with the xcode-select command, or else make sure that the version you want to use is located in /Applications/Xcode.app.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

MuseScore 2.3.2 compiles without a problem with Xcode 10 on Mojave, and from what I can tell, seems to run just like on High Sierra. I haven't tested it thoroughly, but I get audio, and I can enter notes with my MIDI keyboard. Is there anything specific that you are concerned about and would like me to test?

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