Sluggishness normal, I suppose.

• Oct 4, 2018 - 13:03

I assume it is natural for a lenghhty work; I'm up to bar 260, but it is for only 6 instruments. Musey seems to deliberate after a succession of commands which often results in being prompted by pleading, prayer and profanity. I'm guessing the sluggishness is normal as a task lengthens.
What say you? I have a 64-bit, twin core 2.41 processor and 4GB memory, with currently 1.1GB available.


in MuseScore 2.x it is more or less normal, in 3.0 it should be faster, even if the curent Aplha isn't as fast as it should be.
Disabling the navigator may speed up things a bit, if that s not enough, splite the score into movements (and possibly join again later using the album feature)

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