Cues notes stacked on rests

• Oct 28, 2018 - 08:30

October 28, 2018, Musescire 2.3.2


I am coping the 2nd trombone part from ssssssssss aaaaaaaaaa to change the clef from tenor to bass. Before my first entrance, there are several measures of a trumpet solo. The part, as written has the solo "stacked" on top of my measures of rest. I have copied the trumpet solo unto my part, but the solo replaced the measures of rest I originally had in this section.

Is there any way to have both the solo notes and rests "stacked"?



The below was borrowed from Musescore online reference material.

How to add cue notes
After a prolonged rest in a score, a short passage of small-sized cue notes is used to signal to the musician that s/he is shortly to resume playing. To add cue notes:

To instrument parts only
From the menu, select Style→General...→Score, and untick "Create multimeasure rest;"
Create the parts;
Copy and paste the cue notes to the desired location in the part;
Select the pasted cue notes and tick "Small" in the Inspector to reduce the size;
Also, for the same cue-notes, untick "Play" in Inspector to mute the notes;
Add staff text to the first cue note, with the name of the instrument providing the cue. Style/format the text as required;
On the first actually-played note after the cue, add appropriate staff text.
To main score and instrument parts
From the menu, select Style→General...→Score, and untick "Create multimeasure rest;"
In the main score, copy and paste the cue notes to the desired location;
Select the pasted cue notes and tick "Small" in the Inspector to reduce the size;
Also, for the same cue-notes, untick "Play" in Inspector to mute the notes;
Add staff text to the first cue note, with the name of the instrument providing the cue. Style/format the text as required;
On the first actually-played note after the cue, add appropriate staff text;
Create the parts.
See also
Tom Gerou, Linda Lusk. Essential Dictionary of Music Notation (Alfred Pub. Co., 1996), pp. 10-11, 54-55.
Elaine Gould. Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide to Music Notation (Faber Music, 2011), p. 566 ff.


To put the rests back and keep the cue notes, use Tools->Voices and exchange voices 1 & 2. You can then make voice 2 notes small using the inspector. The selection filter (F6) will let you limit your selection to voice 2.

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