Having issues with the Tenor Drums

• Oct 30, 2018 - 00:10

I recently upgraded to Musescore 2.3 and was quite pleased to discover that the issues with the Drum 1 and the Spock being silent were fixed. Now I could stop using an edited Drumset on the Tenor Drum parts. But this created two new problems: 1) I couldn't find an easy way to remove the "loaded style" from the parts, 2) Parts that I haven't ever touched before (I even created to new score to test this) have the edit drumset on them by default. Is anyone able to explain how to fix this?

Note: Glad to see that Buzz Rolls have been added, but it would nice for them to work (even somewhat) in playback.


Parts will inherit drumsets from the score, so you will need to fix the drumset in the score before generating the parts. Scores you create from scratch will haver the default drumset unless you have previously customized your isntruments.xml file - be sure to undo that customization if so. And of course, don't use a template that was set up to use a custom drumset if you don't want that drumset. If you continue to have issues, please attach your score and describe what you are doing in more detail.

Buzzrolls do playback (quite nicely!) if using the MDL extension, so be sure to download and install that.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I was using of the of the DRM Files that were from a list that had been intended as improvements to the existing drumline instruments. What I'm struggling with is replacing the loaded DRM file with the default from 2.3. I even tried to save a DRM of the default setup from a score where the Tenors were working fine, but that gave me a silent Drum 1 and Spock. I would try to start from scratch with this score, but the Tenors are automatically loading with the DRM file and I've never touched the instruments.xml file.

Am I going to have to go through the whole drumset and fix it manually, or is there an easier way?

Attachment Size
Part 4.mscz 164.47 KB

In reply to by OmniscientCameo

Which notes specifically are you having trouble hearing, and what soundfont(s) are you using? I didn't notice any problems in your tenor part when using the default soundfont MuseScore_General. In particular, the first three measures of the Tenor Drum part plays just fine for me - I hear all four tenor drums and spock clearly.

So it could just a matter of having an incompatible soundfont you need to stop using.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I was using the default soundfont with a style (.DRM file) over it (if you go into that score, you may find that you can notate a Spock 2 that isn't on the default drumset). Normally, a drumset style has to be put in on every score or part page that it needs to be used on, now it's the default for EVERY new score and doesn't play correctly when uploaded to the site.

I tried to manually fix the drumset piece by piece, and that left a silent Spock and Drum 4. I gave up on it and tried to use the MDL instruments. I didn't like the sound, but what choice did I have when the normal can't be added to a new score? Then I discovered that they don't playback when uploaded. Just trying whatever I could to fix it, I chose to try restoring to factory settings, and all that did was make the MDL Drums silent. I'm just getting frustrated with all of this now.

In reply to by OmniscientCameo

Unfortunately, it's still hard to tell exactly what you've done and what help you are looking for. In particular, I don't understand what you mean when you say "the normal can't be added to a new score". You don't need normally need to do anything special with new scores - they just work, perfectly, right out of the box, no need to install special DRM files or soundfonts (unless you want to use MDL, in which case, you simply install the extension, no other customizations needed whatsoever). So for all new scores you create, leave everything at the defaults, and everything works fine. Can you verify at least that much?

If you have older scores you created with a custom DRM file and experiencing problems, it stands to reason the problem is the DRM file you created, since the defaults work fine. So I guess you are looking for help fixing the scores you created with this customized DRM file? Without knowing more about what non-standard things you did, it's hard to say, but easiest might be to just copy the music into a new score created with all defaults. Then you'd just have to adjust the pitches of any non-standard notes you added using your custom DRM file.

In reply to by OmniscientCameo

But in what way specifically do you feel it is acting in an unusual way? KAs I mentioned, it plays back perfectly for me using the default soundfont. What specific problem are you encountering when using the default soundfont? Is there a specific note in a specific measure that either looks or sounds incorrect to you?

In reply to by OmniscientCameo

OK, I am looking at the file in your last comment. It is empty, containing just a single "Tenor Drum" staff. So I tried entering notes into that staff - I pressed "N" and then double-clicked each icon in the palette in turn. Each one played back as expect (to the extent I understand the expected playback for these). I also opened the MSCX file within the MSCZ archive using a text editor and compared it to one I created myself from scratch, and they are completely identical in all aspects.

So I see no evidence of any problem whatsoever - your file appears perfectly normal in all respects to me. Can you be more specific about what the actual problem is that you are perceiving here? Do you want one of those notes to look different? To sound different? Or are you saying one or more of those notes is not sounding for you when you use the default soundfont (MuseScore_General)?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think this should be a much clearer demonstration of the issue.

The "(Correct Version)" is what comes with Musescore when installed. The "(Broken Version)" is what now loads by default when I add the Tenors to a score. The biggest problem with the "(Broken Version)" is that it isn't programmed to playback correctly when uploaded. I have tried manually editing the drumset to turn the BV into the CV, but that didn't work perfectly. All the variations of the Spock and Drum 4 were completely silent, even when uploaded.

First, I need to find a better way to convert the BV to the CV.
Secondly, I need to find a way to make CV the default version when I add the Tenors to a score.

Attachment Size
Tenors (Correct Version).PNG 81.41 KB
Tenors (Broken Version).PNG 87.53 KB

In reply to by OmniscientCameo

The picture you show and call the "correct" version is not correct at all. This is not* what the defaults are supposed to be in 2.3.2. The picture you show as the "broken" version is actually correct. Well, a couple of small differences I see ("Drum 4" vs "Drum4" for pitch 36, yours might have come from 2.3.1 or some other intermediate release).

Anyhow, a score created with what you call the broken version should playback perfectly correctly using the default soundfont MuseScore_General.

So if you are hearing problems, my best guess is that you must not be using the default soundfont. Go to View Synthesizer, and if you see anything other than MuseScore_General, get rid of it - or at least make sure MuseScore_General is at the top of the list. If you don't see MuseScore_General, then add it. Then try to play your score again.

If you create scores using what you are calling the "correct" version, they might work with whatever non-standard soundfont you are using, but they won't work using the default soundfont. If you prefer your non-standard soundfont you are welcome to use it, but you will need to continue to use your own customzie DRM file with it. To make that the default, you will want to set up a score the way you like then save it to your Templates folder. Now every time you create a score with File / New, you can select that template. And if you upload a score to musescore.com, be sure to check the box to upload the audio so that your non-standard soundfont gets used instead fo the default.

But unless you want to be in the business of continuing to maintain these customizations across future versions of MuseScore, I'd really encourage you to just go with the defaults and make your life easier. Use the default drumset definitions and the default soundfont and everything just works, perfectly, right out of the box, no need to keep beating your head against the wall trying to customize something that already works,

In reply to by OmniscientCameo

You say you've never touched the Synthesizer, but can you please humor me and go to View / Synthesizer and verify that on the Fluid tab you see MuseScore_General and nothing else, and under Zerberus you see noting? Also, please go to Help / About and verify you are using MuseScore 2.3.2 and not any earlier version.

I realize the image listing "Drum4" is the one you are calling broken, but I absolutely assure you this is completely correct. Yur image looks identical to the default drumset definition for the Tenor Drum instrument in MuseScore 2.3.2, except that that 2.3.2 lists that one pitch as "Drum 4" (with a space). If you have MuseScore 2.3.2 installed and are using the default soundfont, you should be hearing playback from every single drum on it. Here, I've just created a sample score using the defaults, added one of each note from palette, and uploaded it to musescore.com. Press play and tell me if you hear any notes that are not sounding:


Can we agree that this worked 100% as expected? I promise I did not do one iota of customziation. This is everything right out of the box. It sounds peffect on my computer, it sounds perfect uploaded to msuescore.com. The question is, will it still sound perfect on your computer if you download it? If not, I will suggest again that you check your soundfont and which version of MuseScore you are using.

In reply to by OmniscientCameo

Excellent, thanks for the followup!

Things have indeed changed for the better over the years, lot of new sounds and options available for percussion, and this did indeed involve changing the drumset definitions. Again, scores created in 2.3.2 with the default settings should play back perfectly with no workarounds whatsoever, both within the program and when uploaded.

If you ever do find otherwise, the thing to do is to attach the score that doesn't playback correctly, tell us which specific notes within the score you believe to be incorrect, and tell us explicitly which version of MuseScore you are using (Help / About) and soundfonts you have listed in View / Synthesizer.

First right click on staff and click on edit drumset. Click on load and search through Musescore's program files to possibly find the style or create it yourself and save it. Right click on a Spock note and click on select similar elements, then more. Check same pitch and same staff. Click on OK. Use the up and down keys to change the pitch until it is right. Repeat the previous four sentences with a different drum.

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