Alpha 2 was released. What is next?
Testing, fixing bugs and issues, testing again… You know what I mean.
Besides the mentioned infinite circle, we have something more to do.
- Beta release of MuseScore
- There was a lot of discussion regarding what is actually Beta and when it is time to make a release. We reworked issue tracker and introduced new categories to make the answer as transparent as possible. We are defining priorities for the issues. This means once P1 issues are fixed, we can make a release. The list will be actualised within a week.
- Target date for Beta release is November, 2018
- Feature freeze
- We must focus on testing in order to deliver better quality. This means we should stop merging new features in the middle of November.
- MuseScore 3.0 must become stable. Ideally, it should be the most stable MuseScore version ever. Fortunately, the autoupdate engine will make delivering fixes faster and easier which means we should concentrate on testing, not fixing. Let me explain, the most important thing now is to concentrate on fixing bugs avoiding side effects which means better testing. We are ready to deliver updates every month, but ensure each update should not break things.
- Translations
- There are a lot of new strings which need to be translated. We are going to push new strings to Transifex within a couple of weeks. We are asking translators to hold a finger on the pulse and participate if possible. Instructions of how to participate are here.