measures per system

• Nov 4, 2018 - 13:52

I have searched and cannot find how to set my score to have 4 measures per system. I could do it on the old version but cannot find it on my upgraded 2.3.2. Thanks/


For the record: there is no single setting to force a particular number of measures per system, nor did any older version have any such option. Some very old version (from four or more years ago) had an option to limit scores to no more than a given number of measures per system, but it wouldn't force four measures onto a system if only three would fit. The command mentioned above (Edit / Tools / Add/Remove System Breaks) is the better way to achieve a similar result today.

To force more measures to fit on a system than would otherwise, you need to tell MuseScore how you want to achieve this - by reducing the space between notes just for those measures (select them, reduce stretch via the Layout menu) or by reducing the overall staff size (Layout / Page Settings).

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