time signature, beam problems

• Nov 14, 2018 - 12:23

Hello again,

Having the option to group as we want (with "also change shorter notes option" bonus) is great since 2.0. I wanted to mention two things about this though. One is like bug, the other is a feature request.

  1. As you see in the picture, there is time signature as 10/16. The beams of 16th notes conflicts with 8th if you look closely. The time signature I create according to this picture, does not operate. The reason is the conflict of 8th notes obviously.

  2. In bigger/longer time signatures the screen may not be enough to arrange beams. Making the window wider is not enough sometimes. I use two monitors side by side, that's how I achieve to do what I want :) But at home I don't have that chance :) Visual beam arrangement is great, but I'd love to be able to write numbers for beaming.

Thanks a lot.

Attachment Size
curcuna.png 5.71 KB


Indeed, the picture looks correct as far as I can tell. If you were expecting beams instead of flags, we would need you to attach your actual score, not just a picture of it, in order to understand and assist better.

In reply to by gudsur

You wrote:
Sometimes it is really hard to write these kind of cycles' beam properties, it doesn't fit the screen.

Based on your attached picture (indir.png) it is true that for a 32/4 time signature, beaming note groups can become unwieldy for 16th and 32nd notes:

Have you considered something like this:

Here's the MuseScore file (for playback): Indir_Rhythm.mscz

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank you for suggestion. I got your point but my concern is not only to write the rhytmic cycle, we have compositions based/build on these cycles. So the beams of notes should be parallel to the cycle. Changing metronome and time signature does not really help :)

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