Adjusting measure size

• Nov 18, 2018 - 17:19

I have a piece that has sixteenth notes throughout the measure, and MuseScore is formatting it as one measure per page. I've tried to shrink the measure size by using (shift + }) but that doesn't work. Is there any way for me to manually change the measure size so that I can adjust it myself?

If that can't happen, can I adjust the gaps in between the lines vertically? It could maybe make it more compact having 2 lines per page.

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senex puerum.mscz 34.87 KB


First, its "{", not "}", to decrease stretch. Second, you may need to apply it multiple times before you will have "squeezed" things enough to fit. Third, you might also need to decrease the minimum note distance in Style / General / Measure, or the overall scaling of everything in Layout / Page Settings. Finally, I'm not sure if you attached the right score, this one does not show one measure per page at all and doesn't include that many sixteenths.

Spacing between staves within a system or systems within a page is controlled in Style / General / Page.

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