Adding Multiple Staffs

• Nov 20, 2018 - 22:20

Hi, I was wondering how to input multiple staffs in certain measures of a piece. In the example, I made, let's just say I want M. 1 & 2 to have two staffs. Then I want M. 3, 4, & 5 to have three staffs. And then I want M. 6, 7, & 8 to go back to just two staffs. How do I do this?

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Presumably this is either a piano or organ and you want to add a staff to it. First, open the instruments dialog and select the staff above where you want the staff added. Click add staff and the new staff will be added below it. Note: do not add a linked staff, this is for guitar tabs. You can then right click a measure, choose measure properties and see the list of staves (staff 1, staff 2...) with check boxes for visible and stemless. If you remove the check for visible, the staff will become invisible for that measure only.

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