Cue notes

• Nov 30, 2018 - 17:56

I know we can manually add them to parts and there's a way to make them invisible in score. Unfortunately, invisible notes make staves not empty, and unhide.

Also, my idea would make cue notes much, much more user friendly. And hopefully save space.

I want a feature where you can select measures in a staff, right click, select 'add cues' and pick from a list of your staves. Then those measures would mirror the measures from the stave you picked, except the usual - small, non playing, 2nd voice if in Bass clef, 1st in treble, debatable in alto/tenor. And not mirrored in the score.

Maybe they could even be auto labeled with the short instrument name if the staff you are mirroring.

This would save a lot of work for users, and would eliminate the need for double saves - one save for a score without cues, all staves hidden correctly, one save for correct parts, with lots of cues.


I agree. Cue notes are common enough that there should be an automated way similar to what you suggest for creating cue notes. I'm not sure what you're talking about after "except the usual -..." but I would add that the proper clef needs to be inserted in the cue notes if they are different than the clef of the instrument, for the cases like when the contrabass has Flute cues to let him know where to come in. Only the cued instruments transposed notes clef (or have it change when you click Concert pitch) needs to be shown for the cues. So there's no need for an 8va treble clef in my extreme example even though it would be necessary to show the true notes.

In reply to by mike320

Ottava clefs are a no-no with all music I've seen. Except tenor voice, mostly.

I was thinking the cue notes would fit the transposition of the staff they're on, and the user can choose how to deal.

Piccolo cues in a contrabass staff, I'd stick a treble clef in front of, and a 15va ottava line on top. Of course, I have looked to see if MS3 does ottava lines better yet - notes should stay the same when you add one, the notation should change appropriatly. But that's a whole different conversation.

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