Change Part of an instrument

• Jul 21, 2014 - 23:10

So, you know how we can have different parts in MuseScore? (Default is that Part 1 is Blue, Part 2 is Green, etc.) I want to change an entire instrument to another Part. I just can't figure out how.
I've searched through other posts and how to's and such for a good hour+ now, and I can't find this info anywhere.

Is it even possible?

My setup is this:


But they are all currently on Part 1. What I would like, is this:

Flute - Part 4
Violin - Part 3
Soprano - Part 2
Alto - Part 1

If you know how to do this, your help would be greatly appreciated!!


I'm not quite sure why you want to do this unless you are producing a closed score version of the score but you should look at the Exchange Voices Dialogue on the Edit menu.

HTH - come back here if yoiu need more help


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