Piano Roll view only shows one clef at a time?

• Jan 4, 2019 - 18:43

Does anyone know how I can get both staves of my piano part to show up in the piano roll view? When I select the whole measure and open the piano roll view, I can only seem to get one staff or the other. I want to see all notes at the same time.

Also, this old post (https://musescore.org/en/node/278688) shows a much nicer piano roll view with the ability to have the names of the notes appear on the piano roll.

Support/help for both of these features in Musescore2 would be greatly appreciated. If it matters, I'm using Mac osx. I've uploaded a screenshot to illustrate the problem.
Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 1.39.29 PM.png


The 'much nicer' Piano Roll Editor, you refer to, is the version rhat ships with MuseScore version 3.0. Just do the upgradre and you will have it.
Sadly, it is still only working on one staff at a time.

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